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Taste Tapestry



Taste Tapestry was our first commission by the University of Birmingham Public Engagement Team and Lapworth Museum of Geology, to form part of the Lapworth Lates. 


So often we enter into a museum and we can look and listen to the different artefacts, but what if we had the chance to taste and smell them too? Taste Tapestry was a multi-sensory experience that combined food and beautifully crafted movement. The piece was durational and explored the link between superfood trends in modern society and the diet of herbivore dinosaurs.


Inspired by the brief, ‘Dinosaurs in Popular Culture’, we became fascinated with trends like the paleo/caveman diet which led us to the discussions of superfoods such as Spirulina and Cacao.


We had smorgasbords of plant’s that would have been around the time of the dinosaurs (or things that replicated plants) for people to try. These were mixed with the raw superfoods that people eat today as part of the paleo diet. 


After the boards, performers dressed as creatures emerged and began interacting with the audience and the space. Using the idea of animalistic territory, space and survival of the fittest.


This was created and performed in July 2018.




Lapworth Museum of Geography

University of Birmingham Public Engagement 


Production Manager:

Elliott Mitchell 


Photography Credits:

Greg Milner



Eleanor Rattenbury 

Marcus Paragpuri 

Laurs Oakley 

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